Genesis 27

Feb 3, 2019    Dominic Dinger    Genesis

In our last study in Genesis, we left off with God speaking to Isaac directly—“Don’t be afraid, Isaac. I am with you. I will bless you and I will multiply your descendants for my servant Abraham’s sake.” (Genesis 26:24).

Isaac—a man of faith called by God to walk in courageous faithfulness and lead his family in courageous faithfulness. And he did, but just for a season. Isaac honored his history and heritage as a man of faith, as the son of promise, living in the land of promise as a pilgrim and a worshipper. He enjoyed a season of such spiritual significance that even old unbelieving enemies took notice. Enemies like Abimelech who came to Isaac and said, “We have certainly seen that the Lord is with you.” (Genesis 26:28).

And then, something changes in the next chapter of Isaac’s life. God and the things of God grow strangely dim to Isaac—and it affects not only him, but also infects his entire family.

Have you enjoyed a season of spiritual significance like Isaac? Maybe you’re still in that season—if so, stay diligent! Keep digging up the old wells of prayer and fasting and faith, and the Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit—these are sources of refreshment for you to draw from, not just once but continually.

Maybe your season of spiritual significance is in the past. What’s happened? Have you suddenly slipped or was it a slow slide? Perhaps you were once defined by courageous faithfulness and sacrificial service our of the overflow of your fellowship with God…but then something happened. God and the things of God grew strangely dim, just like in the eyes of Isaac in Genesis 27.

It’s a difficult chapter to study. It’s never pleasant to see a family once full of faith fall apart because of their own earthly appetites. But there are valuable lessons we can learn from a careful and cautious examination of this family. Even still, God is willing and wanting to reach down into the midst of your mess, open up those wells for you, and bring to into a new season of spiritual significance